The Mayor Making Ceremony is open to the public and all residents are invited to attend and witness this historic moment. During the ceremony the Mayor-Elect, Councillor Chris Mayne, will be formally elected as the new Mayor of Bournemouth and invested with a Badge and Chain of Office. The current Mayor, Councillor Dr Rodney Cooper, will finish his termon Friday 30 Mayand will take the role of Deputy Mayor throughout the Mayor-Elect’s term in office.
The Mayor-Elect, Councillor Chris Mayne, will also announce which charities he will be supporting in the coming year and throughout the year there will be various fundraising events and activities within the community to raise funds and awareness for these charities.
Bournemouth’s Annual Civic Service will be held at St. Peter’s Church on Sunday 1 June with the Mayor-Elect attending. This service is held to welcome the new Mayor to the town and, in turn, the Mayor extends a warm welcome to Bournemouth residents who may wish to attend this special service.
The Mayor will also lead the Civic Procession from the Pavilion at 10.20am on Sunday 1 June which will progress along Westover Road to the Church to meet the Rector, the Reverend Dr. Ian Terry, who will be leading the Service from 10.30am. At the end of the Service the Civic Procession will return to the Pavilion along the same route. The Procession will stop traffic for approximately ten minutes each way.