Apparently today September 9th, our so called Monarch will become the person to have sat on the throne for longest, breaking Queen Victoria’s record,


For over 23000 days the richest woman in the world, thanks mostly to the taxpayers has scrounged, sponged and spent every penny we so generously donate, without our consent. WHOOPEEDOOS. At least not mine anyway.

My flags and bunting certainly won’t be on display.

I may well sound like a Republican but that is far from the case.

All the so called Palaces are public property as are many of the chattels within. Do we all have access? Sorry, no, you are only a pond life peasant.

Surely now in these times of cutbacks implying bogus austerity we can and should do without this travesty of total and forced inequality of assets.

The whole lot are dysfunctional as well, what a fine example to us all…… NOT!

Across the channel, in Europe, the Royal families appear to live far more ordinary lives, not pampered, cossetted or  breaking all their Coronation Oaths with impunity.

Just a bit of controversy to mull over.

Intellectual property of:-

James Pulleine.

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