December 2014 came in above average temperature wise despite the cold spell between Christmas and new year. This spell was actually the coldest of the entire year, infact all months were above the long term average in 2014 apart from August.
December was a relatively dry month overall compared to average. The same cannot be said of the year as whole which saw 1335mm (53.4 inches) of rain compared to the long term average 924mm (37 inches) and this despite a record breakingly dry September when only 1mm of rain was recorded at Broadmayne.

Warmest Day 13.7°C 58°F (18TH)
Warmest Night 11.1°C 52°F (18TH)
Average Daily maximum 9.6° 49°F

Coldest Day 3.6°C 38°F (30TH)
Coldest Night minus 6°C 21.2°F (29TH)
AverageDaily minimum 3.2°C 37°F

Mean Daily temp for month 6.4°C

Total rainfall 53mm
Days with Rain 12
Wettest Days 15mm (26th) 11mm (11th) 10mm(16th)

Days with:
Air Frosts 10
Thunder heard 1
Snow 0

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