Commuters travelling along Castle Lane West are being advised to plan ahead throughout September, whilst the Council’s contractor completes the first phase of a major road improvement scheme.
To coincide with the start of the new school term, today (2 September) will see East Way Junction re-open to traffic with three-way temporary traffic lights installed.
Castle Lane West is recently undergoing major improvements for those travelling along this key commuter route. Unfortunately during construction greater damage was identified below the road surface than originally anticipated. As a result additional time is required to replace the full depth of the road across the T-junction area in order to carry out the planned improvements. This first phase of improvements is now expected to be complete by the end of September.
The improvements on Castle Lane West are part of Bournemouth Borough Council’s commitment to make travelling sustainably in and around the town easier, safer and more attractive.
Ian Kalra, Head of Transportation Services, said: “We acknowledge this is a heavily used route and we are doing all we can to ensure these works are completed as soon as possible. For example the contractor has maximised the resources on site and working during weekends.”
East Way Junction was closed in advance of the schools closing for the summer holidays to allow contractors to work in this area. However the Junction will now re-open with three-way temporary traffic lights to manage traffic in and out of East Way whilst the works are completed.
Ian Kalra added: “With children returning to school this week it is vital that East Way Junction is re-opened to allow children to travel safely to and from schools on East Way. This does mean there will be disruption to traffic along Castle Lane West, particularly at peak times, and we would urge commuters to plan their journeys in advance.
“We would like to reassure the travelling public that we are doing all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum whilst these works are completed.”
Once complete the government funded improvement scheme at Castle Lane West will:
- Improve road safety for everyone travelling along this route
- Create high quality walking and cycling routes which separates cyclists from traffic and provides them with priority at side roads
- Improve journey times for cyclists by using innovative technology including a cycle bypass to help cyclists travelling through East Way junction
- Enhance the area by de-cluttering and removing existing physical and visual barriers along pavements
- Provide faster and safer crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
· Improve bus passenger waiting areas