18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Protest against Chris Chope MP calling for his resignation at his Surgery in Christchurch. His comment to us. : “aren’t you silly”. https://www.facebook.com/lisa.northover/videos/10160430051840263/UzpfSTcxMzMyNTI2MjoxMDE2MDQzMDA2NTU1MDI2Mw/ Lisa Moro Sara Armstrong
If the right brain is dominant you see pink and white. If the left brain is dominant you see green and grey. Test a friend or family member. It’s crazy! The left brain is analytical, numerical, logical, scientific, systematic thinking. The right brain is about creativity, music, art, subconscious mind, multi-tasking skill, synthetic...
In the US, is it true that when you ride an ambulance to go to the hospital, it costs money for the drive there? Why would it cost money for you to be taken there if you’re in emergency need? Yes. The day I learned that there are places in...
Young female doctors are two and half times likely to take their own lives. (University of Psychiatry) The reasons for suicide among doctors, as in the general population, are often related to untreated or under-treated depression, bipolar disorder, or substance misuse. We know that there are specific risk factors including GMC involvement,...
Crime is a social construction. It only occurs because humans create laws. Without laws there are no crimes. Therefore, the most obvious way to reduce crime is to reduce the number of laws we have. This is the simplest solution. The other way is to understand the reasons why people...
In terms of total GDP, it is the sixth- or ninth-richest, depending on which measure you use. In terms of GDP per capita, it is the 20th- or 27th-richest. Ultimately the calculations are complicated but by all recognised measures the UK has either slipped one place at best or possibly...
In our distant past we did not always accept the idea of linear time. There are still some indigenous cultures left, that still cling onto our previous concept of time. Rather than the now widely held beliefs of Judeo-Christianity that time is a continuous line of Past-Present-Future, pre-Christian concepts...
You are 23 times more likely to be prosecuted for benefit fraud than tax fraud in the UK. Tax crimes cost the economy at least nine times more. It’s a rigged two tier system. One rule for us and another for them. And its getting even more unjust: According to the...
Anything they like! Madness eh?
Washing and conditioning hair

Condition THEN shampoo hair

Are you one of the vast majority of people who shampoos first and then conditions? If you are then like the others you have been doing it the wrong way around if our hair is foremost in our thoughts. Also how we condition it is often done wrong. According to...