18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Of course one of the best parts of a flight is when the flight attendants come around with the snack and beverage cart, free soda, coffee, tea, maybe even cookies. As strange as it may sound, one thing that really annoys flight attendants is when passengers order Diet Coke....
I have never noticed this before in my 55 long years. Today my daughter shared this with me. It still took a while but then I don't do quick. Try it for yourself. If you cannot see it, the answer is below but you may (like me) have to revisit...
Having read Gillian Tett’s article (“How the Kit Kat went global”, Magazine, FT Weekend, March 20) I find it odd such a lengthy piece did not arouse any interest in the origin of the name. Our family believed, in Tett’s words, that “Kit Kat” was the product of the...
Believe it or not, Hyperthreading technology has been around for more than a decade and not many people know its roots, how it works or if its any good. I hope to explore the advantages and history of Intel's proprietary simultaneous multithreading (SMT) implementation technology and dive a little...
Here is the Ipsos MORI data for 18-24 year olds' % voting intention over time: 2010: Lab 31, LD 30, Con 30, Other 9 2015: Lab 43, Con 27, Green 8, UKIP 8, LD 5, Other 9 2017: Lab 62, Con 27, LD 5, UKIP 2, Other 4 (@LeftieStats) This may give us a...