12.3 C
Saturday, November 23, 2024
The Department for Education (DfE) guidelines advise schools to stagger break times, as well as drop-off and pick-up times, to reduce the number of pupils moving around. Schools should also consider introducing one-way circulation, or placing a divider down the middle of corridors. The advice also suggests nurseries and schools should...
A Dorset sixth-former has led a drive to support a pioneering medical research programme that is helping to find a cure for Coronavirus. Tristram Waters, an 18-year-old Computer Science student at Bryanston School near Blandford, researched and developed a plan to capitalise on the School’s computing resources to support...
Ghanaian students studying in Bournemouth University are living in a hopeless situation as the UK government continue to impose strict measures towards fighting the novel Coronavirus currently spreading across the globe. A telephone interaction with some of these students mostly living on their own at various private and school accommodations, revealed hunger, difficulty...
Stuck indoors and not sure what to do with the kids? It can be tricky to find things to do that can hold the attention of the older ones, while being easy enough for younger ones to join in too, but check out our fun tips below to keep them all entertained.
Students of Bournemouth University are under pressure due to financial stress from the student housing provider that is not willing to waive the accommodation fee despite the fact that most of the students have returned home to their family members during the lockdown period and the student accommodations are...
Schools and keeping children at home From tomorrow (Monday 23 March) our schools will only be open for those children that absolutely need to attend. We appreciate that this will be hard for many families, as many parents work or have other caring responsibilities. We also know that school is such...
Tom Rose and Jack Pannett are qualified teachers and sports coaches and run an activity business that helps children learn. They also broadcast their own podcast. Here, they set out their five top tips on how to keep your kids engaged, learning, healthy and happy while schools are closed because...
It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and our libraries are promoting Reading Well for Children, a new reading list to support children’s mental health and well-being. Reading Well for Children, created by The Reading Agency, is a list of 33 titles aimed at children aged 7 – 11. The books provide advice and stories to support children’s...

Why We Strike

Staff at Bournemouth University have released a video explaining why they are joining nationwide strikes organised by UCU (University and College Union) from Monday 25th November to Wednesday 4th December. This comes as the universities' representatives ruled out talking about pay which has declined by almost 20% in real terms...
Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (Dorset LEP) has allocated just over £1.3 million of Local Growth Funding to three local colleges and a university in Dorset - a significant local investment in our young people. Dorset LEP’s investment will work to address key skills gaps and unlock talent and ambition across...