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Friday, May 10, 2024
 LOCAL RESIDENTS DEFEND HISTORIC ROLE OF JURIES OUTSIDE BOURNEMOUTH CROWN COURT Update A high court judge has thrown out an attempt by the government’s most senior law officer to prosecute a woman for holding a placard on jury rights outside a climate trial. Mr Justice Saini said there was no basis for...
When looking at information involving global warming, many might find the data misleading or inaccurate. The internet is a vessel for the sharing of incorrect information, including global warming. This revelation can make people entirely disregard information that is accurate and truthful. With that being said, our extensive amount of research...
Cuadrilla is to plug and abandon two shale gas wells in Lancashire following orders from the government's industry regulator, it confirmed in a statement. Cuadrilla's parent company AJ Lucas said the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) had ordered it to permanently seal the two shale gas wells drilled at the...
New Conservative administration drop key Council pledge from Climate and Ecological Emergency declarationThey misrepresent former Unity Alliance decisions to justify shelving plans for broader public participation At the full Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council meeting on Tuesday 24 November, portfolio holder for ‘Transport and Sustainability’ Councillor Mike Greene confirmed the new...
Brownsea Island is the largest of the islands in Poole Harbour and is owned by the National Trust (NT). As a result the island is relatively unspoilt and undeveloped compared with its close neighbour the conurbation of Poole and Bournemouth! In the picture below you can see Brownsea Island in the centre of the picture with...
This year, Bournemouth residents, who bring their current council tax bill, will be able to get their compost on a first-come first-served basis from Slades Farm on 3 May and King’s Park on 11 May. At Slades Farm the giveaway will be in the car park on Ensbury Avenue...
In a reply to the BBC report that “Perenco UK pledges no repeat” of the oil spillage in Poole Harbour, local activists from Extinction Rebellion say the only way for Perenco to honour this pledge is to stop oil extraction in Poole Harbour now. Extinction Rebellion groups from Bournemouth-Christchurch-Poole (XR BCP), Wimborne,...
This just about sums up the absolute nonsense of the times. Target activists whilst agreeing with them. https://twitter.com/Zero_4/status/1479227995021881345?s=20 Of course those who are awake are talking about insulating homes and many other solutions. Only the walking dead are prattling on about the nonsense they are served up to distract them. And when in...
The ease with which I registered my dead goldfish as a waste disposer shows how total regulatory collapse has opened the door to organised crime. It’s a tragic story, with a happy ending. Until I was seven, I had a goldfish called Algernon. He wasn’t the most exciting pet, but...
This new series will identify the incidents of destruction or deceit by corporations as they murder the planet for their balance sheets killing humanity and bio diversity. https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1420814960670740484?s=20 https://www.youtube.com/embed/zSaiwvHmAy8 If we do not reveal it they will just deny it: https://dorseteye.com/drill-baby-drill/ Revd Tim Hewes, 71, outside News Corp offices now: ‘I’ve sewn up my...