21.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
Yet more wonderful irony and intellectual humour from the master of stand up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOb2KQHr7V0&t=208s Stewart Lee's humour is multi-layered. On one level, it entertains with its sharp wit and timing. On another, it serves as a critique of societal attitudes and the state of modern comedy. The audience is not just...
So, you've noticed that your pristine garden, once a haven for flourishing flora and maybe even some innocent gnomes, has turned into a battleground. The enemy? Slugs. Those slimy, voracious vandals have launched an all-out assault, leaving a trail of destruction that would make even the boldest gardener weep....
Help to protect the safety of women and girls in Bournemouth Town Centre by signing your business up to the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Unity Promise. Email: [email protected] Businesses and organisations in Bournemouth Town Centre are uniting in a pledge to protect the safety of women and girls. The Bournemouth, Christchurch...
In recent discussions, I've noticed a disturbing trend: comments like "it's not xenophobic to discuss illegal immigration" and "it's not racist if it's true." Such statements reflect a profound misunderstanding of what constitutes discriminatory language. To address this, I've devised six tests to help determine whether a statement is...
Stephen Lawrence's body will be returned to the UK from Jamaica 31 years after his racist murder, his mother Doreen Lawrence has announced. In a statement issued through her solicitor, Baroness Lawrence said images of her son's grave had appeared on social media after his body had been exhumed, causing...
Before we go to the main event let us go for a warm up: Yaxley Lennon.An immigrant living in Spain whipped up hate against immigrants and Islam, because of the horrific murders committed by a Welsh born christian.pic.twitter.com/A6VvzUK3vn— Levi DTeez (@LeviDteez) August 4, 2024 Here's how we at @ScotNational tracked...
Work on a major investment in bus, walking, cycling and road improvements including resurfacing along the A3049/B3068 Ringwood Road in Poole, between Hunt Road and Mountbatten Roundabout starts on 2 September. Funded by a £17.5 million grant secured from central government’s Transforming Cities Fund, Ringwood Road, which is operating at maximum...
We start a new week today with the full knowledge of what the far-right is capable of. The mask has slipped, and we see them for what they are - violent, cowardly thugs. Now, the “concerned citizen with legitimate grievances” narrative is going to keep going, so let’s address...
Stewart chooses his metaphors very carefully and precisely. No more than this one for Hatie Hopkins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THdl2If5prw Just some of her putrid remarks Comments on Migrants: In a 2015 column for The Sun, Hopkins referred to migrants crossing the Mediterranean as "cockroaches" and suggested using gunboats to stop them, dehumanising those fleeing war...
What we are about to be exposed to is gaslighting at its very best. The quintessential art of creating a mess and then blaming everyone but your masters for it. The Mail's long history of messing with the minds of their disciples has turned the country into a bulging,...