16.9 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
As ever was. The corporate arms companies plead for profits from blood. The establishment politicians serve it up. 'Several local and overseas security analysts and diplomats agree that under the prevailing siege-like situation in Ukraine, the inexorable response of the US and fellow European powers was simply a return to...
According to GB News' editorial charter, they stand for "putting facts first," will "present facts in a clear and honest way" - and "if we get it wrong, we will say so - and explain what happened." On Monday, one of our readers flagged claims made by Nigel Farage on his...
They think you are thick. They think I am thick. They think we are all thick. The reality is that the majority are not. Sadly to get elected they only need a minority. Not sure this lot will be the minority though. https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1509667947161268226?s=20&t=JZyIwUJjG5QyFnv00Nx9Dw Boris Johnson and many in his cabinet are Putin...
If we can believe that he watched one of the greatest indy films of all time then surely we must also believe that this clip would have resonated with him. Whilst the WHO were warning the world in January that we needed to take radical action and quickly Mr...
It is very possible we are being played. Manufacturing a situation where both ends of the political continuum and many in between are prepared to see the BBC whacked appears to be the reality. What better way to remove or subdue an institution than to get those who have...
It’s ‘Nakba Day’ on 15 May which is 75 years since the Israeli state was established at the expense of Palestine.  And the catastrophe that was perpetrated against the Palestinian people has been unremitting ever since. Israel continues to cock a snook at its obligations under international law, and the...

The Prime Debt Pig

Using money can be seen as a ritual in a symbolic relationship. The cash in your pocket is a promissory note, its a promise from the state to the individual. The states says, one day I will pay you back. We pass these promises around and build things, create...
Yesterday Dorset Eye published this article which presented a frightening outline of where Boris Johnson's government and their approach is taking us. A country in which individual responsibility for our actions is shunned and replaced by cover ups, dogma and ignorance. https://dorseteye.com/tory-watch-rats-in-a-sack-or-snakes-in-the-grass-fascism-rwanda-echr/ This has now been confirmed in the last few...
We know there was a meeting: https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnson-sue-gray-secret-meeting-partygate/ Sue Gray says it wasn't her and from this we can only deduce one thing. IT WAS BOJO. The car crash interview of the year so far - and that’s saying something! Will these Ministers never learn that defending Boris Johnson always ends badly!Well done...
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has run a fascinating long report this week offering a disturbing snapshot of the political climate rapidly emerging across Europe on the issue of antisemitism. The article documents a kind of cultural, political and intellectual reign of terror in Germany since the parliament passed a resolution last...