18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
As you may know there was an unfortunate police response to the peaceful #dpac #ukuncut Closing Atos Ceremony action outside the DWP offices on Friday 31st August. GBC (legal observers) have some statements, but we are asking those who witnessed the event of the police coming in, particularly in...

Dorset Police Service Update

Please find below letter from Dorset Police Chief Constable Martin Baker and Dorset Police Authority Chairman Michael Taylor to the Force’s key external stakeholders. ———————————————————– This is the latest in our series of Stakeholder updates, which are issued after each meeting of the full Dorset Police Authority, the most...
  HMIC‟s survey identified that the public were largely unaware of the decisions forces are making as they respond to the budget challenge: 62% of respondents were unaware that their force had a reduction in their budgets, and 84% of respondents did not know how their force intended to...
Clive Stafford-Smith lives with his family in Symondsbury, near Bridport. For almost thirty years he has sought to provide not only an opportunity for justice but also a voice to those who deserve to be represented. For Clive and Reprieve, the organisation he leads, juries should be able to make a decision based...
Dorset Police has made some progress in how it tackles anti-social behaviour, but is not always able to identify repeat and vulnerable ASB victims as soon as they contact the police. In Spring 2010, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) carried out a review to find...