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Saturday, January 25, 2025
Washing and conditioning hair

Condition THEN shampoo hair

Are you one of the vast majority of people who shampoos first and then conditions? If you are then like the others you have been doing it the wrong way around if our hair is foremost in our thoughts. Also how we condition it is often done wrong. According to...
I have always loved Jaws. Not so the sequels but the original is still a classic. There are many great stories that came out of its filming mostly involving Robert Shaw. However, this story involves Mrs Kintner whose son was killed by the Great White after Chief Brody unsuccessfully...

The Uk’s oddest place names

Apparently Shitterton is missing. Any others? Do you live in, or come from, any of these places or ones that should also be included? Let us know. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
When you include insurance premiums, American workers pay some of the highest taxes in the world – in exchange for fewer services in return. Canada : 11 percent of average wage UK : 26 percent Sweden : 38 percent France : 39 percent USA : 43 percent And what do they end up with? https://dorseteye.com/u-s-health-care-ranked-worst-in-the-developed-world/ Dr...
'Jim died in July that year. Later, Paul Rothchild, who was the band’s producer, and I became close friends. He told me about Jim’s death in Paris. He said Jim had come home drunk and found some powder on the dresser. He assumed it was cocaine and snorted a...
Child sexual abuse - some facts: At least 3.1m adults suffered it (ONS) 2/3 happens in family 85% of offenders are White In relation to one model of abuse i.e. street grooming, Brit Pakistanis disproportionately involved Far Right only ever exploit victims and nearly collapse trials. According to Full Fact...
This sums up the Tories and Thatcher and the nature of political leadership in the UK. https://twitter.com/JohnSimpsonNews/status/1445315417245986818?s=20 For those who also believe the BBC is left wing here is one hour that should help to convince you otherwise permanently: https://www.youtube.com/embed/pa6j4DCj1_8 If you like our content please keep us going for as little as...
Have a look and have a think. There are clues below for those who are struggling? AndorraBelarusBoliviaBurundiCentral African RepublicChadCongo, Republic ofGuatemalaIvory CoastKyrgyzstanLiechtensteinLuxembourgMaliMarshall IslandsMonacoMongoliaParaguaySao Tome and PrincipeSwedenTajikistanUzbekistanVatican City No luck? Clues: 1. It began in 1066 and hit its heights during the Victorian era but the above either did not succumb or did not...
The origin story of the breakfast behemoth, is actually a very adult one. The first cold cereal was introduced in 1863, when a religious conservative vegetarian and health spa (then called a “sanitarium”) proprietor named James Caleb Jackson created what he called “granula” made out of graham flour. The cereal was...
In the US, is it true that when you ride an ambulance to go to the hospital, it costs money for the drive there? Why would it cost money for you to be taken there if you’re in emergency need? Yes. The day I learned that there are places in...