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Sunday, May 19, 2024

How many did you know?

Just a bit of fun to extend our vocabulary and advance our use of facts. Let us know how many you knew already. Penny Lane Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen...
in the parlour
The first edition of 'In the Parlour' discusses how propaganda is used to undermine democracy and reduce free will. It also offers up a solution to enable democracy to be enhanced and to empower the public consciousness. Focusing on the likes of Colonel Tom Walker, Edward Bernays and George...
Fairmile Grange care home in Christchurch has received the Carehome.co.uk award for 'Top 20 Recommended Care Home (South West England) 2018'. The carehome.co.uk Top 20 Care Home Awards 2018 highlight the most recommended care homes in each region of the UK. The awards are based on over 75,000...
When you include insurance premiums, American workers pay some of the highest taxes in the world – in exchange for fewer services in return. Canada : 11 percent of average wage UK : 26 percent Sweden : 38 percent France : 39 percent USA : 43 percent And what do they end up with? https://dorseteye.com/u-s-health-care-ranked-worst-in-the-developed-world/ Dr...
If the right brain is dominant you see pink and white. If the left brain is dominant you see green and grey. Test a friend or family member. It’s crazy! The left brain is analytical, numerical, logical, scientific, systematic thinking. The right brain is about creativity, music, art, subconscious mind, multi-tasking skill, synthetic...
Young female doctors are two and half times likely to take their own lives. (University of Psychiatry) The reasons for suicide among doctors, as in the general population, are often related to untreated or under-treated depression, bipolar disorder, or substance misuse. We know that there are specific risk factors including GMC involvement,...
Up until 1982, there was a centenary British law that stated that women weren't allowed to be served in pubs on their own. They had to sit on a table and have their drinks ordered by a male companion. This only changed in November 1982, after lawyer Tess Gill...
The standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Well, because that's the way they built them in England, and English engineers designed the first US railroads. Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail...
The day of shortest light. It is amazing how acurately we measure or predict these things. The 20th Dec, this year, has only 5 seconds more sunlight than today and tomorrow there is only 3 second difference. In ancient times the sun appeared to stand still for three days...
I have never noticed this before in my 55 long years. Today my daughter shared this with me. It still took a while but then I don't do quick. Try it for yourself. If you cannot see it, the answer is below but you may (like me) have to revisit...