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Monday, May 20, 2024
This argument works until we look at the statistics and empirical evidence. Then it remains only for those who have been successfully brainwashed by idiots, fake news procreators and the gullible. https://twitter.com/GMB/status/1348533807721435142?s=20 The debate should be informed and enlightening. Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/

The mental maze

People with learning disabilities are more prone to experiencing mental ill health than the general population, but many struggle to access the help they need. Richard Shrubb reports. For many people with learning disabilities, mental health issues are also a part of life. As the 2010 National Autistic Society...
Vegans and pescatarians may be less likely to get severely ill from coronavirus, according to a new study. The research - which took place across six countries, including the UK - showed that those who had plant-based diets were 73% less likely to develop severe symptoms from COVID-19.People who ate fish...
A new report published on Thursday 20th September examines in depth why men from disadvantaged backgrounds in their 30s, 40s and 50s are at higher risk of suicide. On average, around 3,000 middle-aged men take their own lives each year and men from low socio-economic backgrounds living in deprived areas are ten times...
Marie Curie nurses, who deliver vital end-of-life care to Dorset patients in their own homes, are the latest beneficiary of The Society of Dorset Men’s charity fund. Richard Crosby, Chairman of the Dorchester & District Fundraising Group of the Marie Curie Charity, received the £500 cheque from Andrew Prowse,...
Everyone across the country is being urged to join a mass slow handclap against the chancellor’s proposed 1% rise for NHS staff, in a campaign backed by UNISON.  The union is asking the public to stand on their doorsteps and balconies to protest next Thursday (11 March) at 8pm. This is to show what they think about the...