18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Interview with former US National Security Chief, Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Le Nouvel Observateur' (France) Jan 15 1998 re support for 'mujahideen' in late seventies/eighties Afghanistan after Reagan declared them 'the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers'. (Could of course be Blair/Bush/Sarkozy being interviewed about their policy re Iraq, Libya, Syria, where the...
India's Supreme Court just scrapped over 200 coal mining licences. This includes almost all licences issued in the past 17 years! The court was horrified by the corruption it found. Mining companies and government officials were working together to make themselves rich at everyone’s expense. And we all paid the...
It can seem glib to compare the current era to the 1930s. There are parallels, with the rise of nationalism and the free press under attack, but we are a long way away from Nazi-style totalitarianism returning to the West. Nonetheless today’s journalists can learn much from the way our predecessors...
Must See and Share: No Bullshit, Just The Truth!! Bio – Ex-US Marine who renounced US citizenship at the US Embassy in Vancouver, Canada. on March 1, 2001. Now holding Irish, Hawaiian & Palestinian citizenship; but ultimate allegiance is given to all life and to planet Earth.  A lawfully declared...
It’s been announced that the new governor of the Bank of England is going to be Mark Carney, currently governor of the Bank of Canada, when his term expires in 2013. George Osborne – who knows Carney through their membership of the secretive ‘Bilderberg group’ of power-brokers – considers...
"They don't want you. They want Emma. They want Jeremy. I don't want you. My son doesn't want you. My daughter doesn't want you. My wife doesn't want you. The dead doesn't want you." Douglas James
I am not a big fan of Westminster or of Trump but I salute John Bercow for standing up to the reptile that is Donald. Watch as the Tories sit motionless whilst the rest of those present applaud. Always the litmus test for the level of narcissism and destructiveness....
Today marks three years since the end of the fighting in Sri Lanka. I would like to mourn the dead but still I do not know how many. Estimates range from seven to 147,000. It is a shocking difference. How is it possible in this world of satellites, rolling news...
The American media can match our gutter press and then some when it suits. Reality has become a luxury as many people diet on lies. This is especially the case in social media world where clicking like and share reflects the engagement time before scrolling on. Many now openly...
What is Peace if not an end to war and want?Peace is not Peace when your fellow countrymen are being deliberately targeted by vicious policy from our own government. Peace is not Peace when your fellow citizens are being victimised by unscrupulous politicians for their own right wing agenda’s....