15.2 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Brief holders at Weymouth & Portland Borough Council comment on council-related stories, they are: Community Facilities – Cllr Ian Bruce Community Safety – Cllr Mike Goodman Corporate Affairs and Continuous Improvement – Cllr Mike Byatt Economic Development – Cllr Ray Nowak Environment and...
The Weymouth Wire is a new system to encourage participation in local decision-making. The idea is to use occasional (very quick) online surveys to ask people for their views on a range of local issues. As a some people don't use the internet it also gives online folk the...
On Tuesday, Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset, voted against a new cross-party clause to the Small Business Bill which offered new protections for local publicans against the predatory practices of large pub owning companies (known as pubcos) and opposing plans to give local pubs and landlords a fairer...
A Government Planning Inspector will independently examine the joint draft Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy for West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland. Hearings will take place between 25 November and 12 December 2014, where the Inspector will hold a round table discussion and ask the councils questions about the...
How to tackle worklessness was on the agenda at Weymouth & Portland Borough Council today. (4/11) A Worklessness Review, which was carried out to find ways of improving employment opportunities and boosting the borough’s economy, was examined by the council’s Management Committee. The committee backed a raft of recommendations...
Money has been ear-marked to help Weymouth and Portland’s economy. Weymouth & Portland Borough Council decided today (4/11) to give £1,700 a year from 2015-2020, to support the LEADER economic investment programme. The programme will be investing in projects to increase local prosperity and uses a community-led approach to...
The borough council has committed £100,000 to investigate how sites can be developed as part of the Weymouth town centre masterplan. Councillors agreed to the funding at Management Committee on 4 November. The economic viability and technical feasibility studies will look at issues such as costs to clean up...
South Dorset Labour Party’s Parliamentary candidate, Simon Bowkett, has welcomed Labour leader Ed Miliband’s speech at the Party’s annual conference, saying that the themes “absolutely resonated with what people on the doorsteps in South Dorset are saying.”  In a speech called “Labour’s Plan for Britain’s Future”, Ed Miliband set...
Labour Councillors in Weymouth and Portland have criticised West Dorset District Council for running a flawed public consultation in relation to a proposed Gypsy and Traveller site near Wyke Regis. West Dorset has identified a disused Army Camp, located at the end of Camp Road in Wyke Regis, as one potential...
South Dorset Labour Party’s Parliamentary candidate, Simon Bowkett, has expressed surprise at a recent article written by Richard Drax in which the local MP appeared critical of the recent cabinet reshuffle - which he dubbed the “Night of the Petticoats” - calling the promotion of nine women MPs “tokenism”,...