18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Jim Murphy Shadow Secretary of State for Defence will be at Weymouth Community Fire Station on Thursday 7 Feb, 5-6 p.m. to meet people on the "Your Britain consultation", www.yourbritain.org.ukfocus on youth?  Anyone welcomePlease spread the word to anyone who might be interested. Lee Dalton
Poole's MP Robert Syms has taken full advantage of the new expenses rules that have forbidden MP's claiming mortgage interest for second homes in London since 2010 according to expenses posted online at www.parliamentarystandards.org.uk From his first election in 1997 until 2010 Mr Syms claims over £20,000 each and...

Are you a Carer?

As cuts to adult social services start to bite and social security payments are capped, Councillor Paul R Kimber, the Labour & Cooperative Councillor (who’s also standing for Dorset County Council in Portland Tophill this May), wants to hear from people on Portland who are caring for relatives or...
The Green Party has announced that it opposes the concept of police commissioners and will not be standing a candidate in the election of a Police Commissioner for Dorset on November 15th. At present, policing is not part of the British electoral system. Instead it is monitored and supervised...
Trades unions and community groups have called on the Bournemouth and Poole College to withdraw its support for the government’s discredited Work Programme which seeks to coerce the unemployed into unpaid work, after it emerged the college was encouraging employers on their website to “Try before they buy” –...
A New Draft Local Plan for West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland