11.8 C
Monday, October 14, 2024

Cheque Handed Over

Charlie Groves, MD of Groves Nurseries, has handed over a cheque for £1,369 to the charity Julia's House, after the recent charity auction organised by Groves Nurseries. Said Charlie, “We were delighted with the support we got from our suppliers and local companies, who donated so many items and of course...

Rebelling Against Extinction

When governments abandon us, we must step up. It is hard to believe today, but the prevailing ethos among the educated elite was once public service. As the historian Tony Judt documented in Ill Fares the Land, the foremost ambition among graduates in the 1950s and 1960s was, through government or...

A laugh out loud moment

Officers investigating a burglary in Bridport are issuing CCTV images of the suspect. At around 1.30am on Thursday 9 August 2018 a break-in occurred at the Bridport Bowling Club in Priory Lane. The offender forced entry by smashing a window and carried out a search of the premises. A wine bottle...
Have you ever been harassed in the street? Received a crass message on a dating app? Had a coworker make a comment about your appearance that just didn’t sit right? You’re not alone. With the #MeToo movement, it’s easy to log onto Twitter or Facebook and see just how many women...
A leaked video shows the Sky News presenter Adam Boulton aggressively yelling off-air at colleagues, including deputy political editor Beth Rigby, at the Conservative party conference.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwXSYcXbVYY
The NHS was established to provide healthcare free at the point of use, so that people with high healthcare needs and low income are not denied adequate care. The cost is shared by everyone. I believe that most people support that principle, but some Conservative politicians do not, although...
https://twitter.com/TheBirmingham6/status/1053785251783340037 To Buy.
Time to lock them up? A menace to society? Barbarism with an upper class accent? Surely these sad excuses for humans should be removed from polite society? https://www.facebook.com/WildlifeWitness/videos/189255771969673/UzpfSTEwMDAwNDE4NzgyNzQwMjpWSzo5NDYzMTA2OTIyMzUxMjU/?multi_permalinks=946310692235125&notif_id=1540115008021588&notif_t=group_activity Douglas James
This October half term, Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) has some spooky wild events to get children out into nature at our visitor centres and nature reserves in Dorset.   The Kingcombe Centre is getting into the swing of Halloween with its ‘Spooky stories and Scary Bats’ event on Tuesday 23rd...