16.2 C
Saturday, May 18, 2024
The deadline is approaching to claim up to 30 hours free childcare from September and many Dorset families are at risk of missing out. Eligible parents of 3 and 4 year olds need to apply and get their eligibility code by 31 August in order to claim from September. Most...
Today, 25 June, the Climate Change Committee are releasing a report that states the Government is failing to meet its 2050 zero carbon target, a target that is already dangerously too late. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.  Its...
  ESFA admits to redacting information about Aspirations Academy for fear of ‘damaging public confidence…’ Dorset Council are now voicing their own concerns. Dorset Council’s second letter requesting that the Secretary of State agree to a delay in the forced academisation process of Budmouth College in Weymouth was made public this week. Rt Hon...
If you are walking through Dorchester Borough Gardens, you may spot ribbons tied to the bandstand. Our Forget-Me-Not Group is giving bereaved families the opportunity to come together during #BabyLossAwarenessWeek (9-15 October). Families are invited to display the names of babies being remembered on ribbons and tie them to the bandstand until...
There was a mum who was called a “nag,”⁣⁣by her partner,⁣⁣ her children,⁣⁣ and she swears she once saw the dog roll his eyes when she was complaining about dog hair on the couch. ⁣⁣⁣⁣And the truth is,⁣⁣it would be nice if someone thought about—everyone’s schedules,⁣⁣making doctor’s appointments,⁣⁣packing lunches...
Who can get 30 hours free childcare? All 3 and 4 year olds get up to 15 hours of free childcare per week, and some 2 year olds are also eligible. The 30 hours free childcare offer is for working families in England with 3 and 4 year old children. Children are eligible from the term...
£3.45 million funding boost for Carers Trust to support UK’s most vulnerable unpaid carersCarers Trust leads new programme to support over 13,500 carers worst affected by pandemic Carers Trust is pleased to announce it is working with 25 programme partners to use £3.45 million of funding to boost support for over...
I have become close to a dreadful story where a local authority tried but failed to take a child off her mentally ill parents. Over nearly nine months they experienced the full force of the state as it tried to find evidence of neglect, beginning literally three weeks before...