17.1 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
I have lived with the violence of depression all my life. At 67 I can state categorically that my depression has always been about my occluded self, hidden or buried many many years ago, as far back as my childhood. What was depression but my hidden self screaming to get...
As the row about allegations of antisemitism on the left continues to rumble on, it's only fair to review the current state of play in establishment right-wing bigotry and the amount of attention it doesn't generate on the likes of BBC news output and elsewhere.  There is currently a spate...
According to Nursing Notes patients will be allowed to see and be assessed by a GP but they won’t be handed a prescription and instead signposted to where to buy medicated products. People who receive free prescriptions, such as those on a low-income or pregnant, will not automatically be exempt from...
Take the following steps to appeal a Parking Charge Notice: 1. Check if a parking company is a member of an accredited trade association (ATA) Check the British Parking Association (BPA) or International Parking Community (IPC) websites to see if a parking company is a member of an ATA. You can also call the BPA on...
Send us your favourite memes and we will publish. Via Facebook or Twitter is best. Week 1:  
Multiple news outlets are this morning warning about the Private Members Bill 2nd Reading proposed by Christopher Chope MP. The London Economic, Birmingham Live and Kitty S. Jones amongst others are highlighting the consequences of the bill being successful. 'Christopher Chope, a Barrister and the Conservative MP for Christchurch, has proposed...
If I could turn back the clock, magically deleting my prostate cancer, the surgery I needed and its complications, would I do so? It seems an odd question. But I find it surprisingly hard to answer. It wasn’t a lot of fun. I stopped breathing in the recovery room, which...
New analysis published today (Thursday) by the TUC shows that 342,000 workers in the South West are in insecure work. This makes 12.3% of the regional workforce. As well as economic hardship and disruption to family life, many workers in the ‘gig economy’ are being denied key workplace rights including: ...
This morning according to psephologist Professor Michael Thrasher if the 2018 council elections had been a General Election this would have been the outcome: Conservatives down 11 Labour down 1 Lib Dems up 14 SNP up 1 And by the afternoon: The times they are a changing... Douglas James


This is a highly respected piece of work by The Children's Society and gives us an insight into the impact neglect has on the life of a young person.  It is rarely acknowledged that, just like younger children, adolescents are more likely to experience neglect at home than any other...