18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
One of the epic miscarriages of justice of our time is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention - the international tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations - has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and...
It’s one of the most memorable scenes in Apocalypse Now. Martin Sheen’s Green Beret captain is being briefed on his mission to find Col. Walter Kurtz, played by Marlon Brando. “He’s out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct,” a general tells...
Whilst a lot has been speculated about UKIP, less has been said about the impact of the Green Party on Labour’s vote - and having attempted to crunch the numbers, according to my calculations, The Green Party cost Labour up to 10 seats - ten to the Tories, one to the...
‘Town that won't stop flooding: Hebden Bridge cleans up for the third time in three weeks.’That was a Daily Mail headline in July. It was a slight exaggeration. Most people who live in Hebden Bridge (West Yorkshire) are pretty sure they were only flooded twice, but it was enough. Cars were...
Everyone laughs when dictators claim 'Victory!' having secured fully 99 per cent of the vote. The deception is so naked, so obvious - nobody is fooled by this supposed 'national consensus'. By contrast, when Western politics and media appear to reach a consensus on the benevolent intent of 'our' leaders,...
In one of the most articulate and confident examples of dealing with part of Murdoch's propaganda machine John Rees handles Sky News' Adam Boulton magnificently. As Boulton attempts to undermine both Rees, Stop the War and Jeremy Corbyn John confidently, calmly and with great clarity explains every point.  ...
Here we go again. Primark workers in China victims of government torture. Profit over human rights as cheap labour is more important to many consumers than life it seems. As long as Primark sell cheap goods and people keep buying them I suspect little will change. Another smokescreen and...
A Conservative MP who added a death threat to an email from a constituent now faces demands to resign. Adding the 'death threat' to the end of the email she was caught out when the sender made the original public. Below is the chain of emails. The Original email:...
“Fair Greece! And relic of departed worth! Immortal, though no more; though fallen great!” Lord Byron Byron fought for Greece, inspired by the Classical civilisation and progressive nationalism, which once was able to look beyond its own borders and favour the people of oppressed nations. As a “Great British...
FRIDAY The “cool” Greek Autumn, 24 – 36 degrees C! Easy to see why most political activity stops in July to August, with temperatures in the 40s! Though this year, even the heat was not enough to blunt the people’s anger.   In Zakynthos, in the Ionian Islands, tourism...