18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
It seems government ministers are desperately trying to cover up a huge error they have made which has resulted in military personnel being denied hundreds of thousands of pounds in pension payments. In 2010, the coalition government announced it would be making thousands of military personnel redundant in an effort to...

Mandela the Revulutionary

"Mandela may or may not be forgotten, but he will certainly be distorted, starting now." As I write, the obituary portraits are being updated and given the requisite spin. For official politics it will be Saint Mandela, the liberal hero. For the hard right it will be Mandela the...
• Hundreds of people attended protests against the Big Six energy companies on the day the ONS released figures showing 31,000 'excess winter deaths' in winter 2012-2013, a 29% increase on last year. The protests have now come to an end.• Protests were organised by anti-austerity groups including...

Review: The Democracy Project

Understanding social movements, what causes them and makes them succeed, are the elusive questions that David Graeber’s latest book, The Democracy Project. A History. A Crisis. A Movement, confronts in response to the contemporary Occupy movement. As in his previous works, this book is a rich mix of styles...
Over a thousand people will take action against Npower and other Big Six energy companies on day that Winter Death statistics are released. Anti-austerity groups including Fuel Poverty Action, UK Uncut, Disabled People Against Cuts, and the Greater London Pensioners Association reveal Npower as key target (Npower Supply and...


Many, many more people are posting very relevant things on DE. Folk like Douglas James, Keith Lindsey Cameron, Flora the Implorer  etc., it just shows how many are now awake to the corruption, fraud and disgraceful behaviour of our so called elected representatives. It begs the question..... who is...
Tomorrow's 'Bonfire of Austerity' looks set to be one of the biggest days of action for many years. Actions are taking place up and down the country as people are forced into poverty, forced to choose whether to heat the home or put food on the table and forced...
Local campaigners have welcomed today’s announcement that the Living Wage is to rise from £7.45 to £7.65 an hour. The announcement comes at the start of Living Wage Week, which aims to celebrate those employers that have signed up to pay their staff a higher rate of pay. Neil...


Perhaps all UK politicians really still believe that the wising up public still have 'gullible idiots' tattooed across their foreheads. Perhaps many MPs do not think they will be jobhunting after the next election....big error. Perhaps even Mr. Walter may hopefully be seen at the Jobcentre filliing in the...
Michael Gove's agent assaults constituency member Douglas James