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Monday, September 16, 2024
It’s very obvious why David Cameron doesn’t want to implement the Leveson recommendations. Whatever he says about wanting to protect the freedom of the press, his motives are anything but altruistic. As I understand them, Lord Justice Leveson’s recommendations appear to protect the press from government control and undue...
Did you ever hear the story of how I got my first play on Radio One? People think it’s apocryphal, involving as it does the procurement of an Indian take-away, but I’m here to tell you that it really happened. I was in my mid-20s at the time, a veteran...
Lambeth Council leader Steve Reed’s comprehensive victory in last night's Croydon North by-election gave the Co-operative Party its highest ever total of sponsored MPs at Westminster. Standing as the Labour/Co-op candidate in the election caused by the death of popular former MP Malcolm Wicks, Mr Reed took almost 65...
Dan Hind is the author of two books, The Threat to Reason and The Return of the Public. His e-book, Maximum Republic will be published later this month. Journalists and their editors have an unusual privilege. As brokers of public speech they largely determine how the world...
It’s been announced that the new governor of the Bank of England is going to be Mark Carney, currently governor of the Bank of Canada, when his term expires in 2013. George Osborne – who knows Carney through their membership of the secretive ‘Bilderberg group’ of power-brokers – considers...

You talking to me?

The government's welfare reform minister has suggested lone members of parliament, bank bailout claimants and other people on benefits are too comfortable not having to work for their income, saying they are able to "have a lifestyle" on the state. In an interview with House Magazine, Lord Freud is...
Save the Children is calling for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza and Israel as the number of child casualties mounts. Families in the Gaza Strip who are used to living in very difficult conditions are now running out of food and water, hospitals are running out...
Despite the avalanche of propaganda from Western media outlets, not least the disgraceful coverage by our own BBC, attempts to paint Palestinians on the Gaza strip as aggressors and terrorists are failing. Instead, growing revulsion at Israel’s continuing bombardment of the most densely populated area on earth is almost...
UNISON members at Southampton Council may have won their hard-fought battle over pay this year. But they now face a new crisis. In order to bridge a £23m drop in government grant, the new Labour administration is proposing to reduce its workforce by up to 325. Some services are...
Hats off to fullfact.org for their tireless exposure of the lies in the gutter press about there being 120,000 ‘problem’ families in the UK. By gutter press, I’m referring of course to The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, The Daily Star, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Daily Express,...