How much longer are we, the good people of Britain, going to put up with this gangster toff liar thinking and believing that he runs the country on his own and speaks for us?
Come to think of it, Wicked Willie Hague too.
So they end up again with egg all over their ugly faces with the Syria Scam. The UN, of which Britain is a player decreed years ago that Al Qaeda was a terrorist organisation. The 2002 UK Terrorism Act makes it unlawful for any body to support, offer financial assistance to, or promote terrorism. So how come the Westminster Mafia deem it ok to dish out taxpayer’s money to the Al Qaeda terrorists operating as the Free Syria Army? The alternative media have solid evidence that 90% of all the FSA are foreign mercenaries financially backed by the US, Britain and France. How odd I ask. Total hypocrisy rings loud and clear.
The Sarin Gas supposedly used by Assad was manufactured at Porton Down and shipped by underhand means by Britain to whoever. What possible reason would Assad have to use this right under the noses of the inspectors? My strong supsicion is that this gas was for the rebels in the first place. My take is that Assad, although not perfect, is an intelligent, educated and astute leader of high intellect, quite the opposite of the western goons. He would make mincemeat of Camoron, the puppet.
Flora the Implorer has hit the nail on the head. This whole business reeks of a Tony Bliar Iraq WMD scam.
‘Syria must be freed from this madman, save the nation’ say the corrupt western leaders, ‘Assad is a tyrant’….. Where is the real and irrefuteable evidence to prove these statements?
My view? This is all about the propesed oil pipeline across Syria to feed the greedy west and counter the Russian one further north. Also perhaps to get one step closer to Iran.
The problem for Camoron, Obama and Hague is…… we’ve seen it all before, lies, more lies and even more lies.
Sorry Mr. Cam, Mr. Hag and Mr Bliar, you have obviously forgotten the story of Peter and the Wolf!
James Pulleine