Chickerell Town Council has declared an interest in creating a neighbourhood plan to West Dorset District Council.
The town council has submitted an application for a designation of a neighbourhood plan to the district council. This is the first stage of the process in creating a neighbourhood plan.
The town council in its application has submitted a map of the area to designate and why they are looking to prepare a neighbourhood plan.
West Dorset District Council would now like residents and businesses of Chickerell to have their say on this area.
The consultation will start on Friday 8 July and end on Friday 5 August 2016.
Cllr Ian Gardner, West Dorset District Council’s Planning Portfolio Holder, said: “We want to hear the views of residents and businesses of Chickerell about what they think of the proposed designated area for the Chickerell Neighbourhood plan.
“We must consult on the designation of a neighbourhood plan before the process can go any further”.
A copy of the application, together with details of how to make comments can be found at Alternatively the information is available at the district council’s South Walks House offices in Dorchester.
Residents can comment by post at West Dorset District Council, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, DT1 1UZ or email
Shortly after the consultation closes, the results of the application will be published on