A newsletter compacted with lies and subjectivity on behalf of Wellingborough Conservative Association displays the utter contempt for truth by the Conservative Party. It even refers to members of the Conservative party itself as ‘left wing’ if they do not adhere to their nonsense. There is much more to depress in the newsletter not least the attempt to denigrate their new word of the decade ‘wokeism’.

‘Wokes’ who according to the dictionary are:

“originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice”

and are to be fought and silenced. The nonsense that is used is simply far right bigotry with not an ounce of reality. Truly frightening stuff.

However, the scariest aspect is their admittance that spreading fake news, the so called ‘weaponisation of fake news’ is a vital tool to deceive the public to win arguments.

Fake News often makes headlines and crowds out genuine news. Honest politicians therefore find
themselves pushed off the front pages.

Stand-up comedians have the answer to Fake News. They all have to learn how to deal with loudmouth
hecklers in the audience. It they don’t learn, then their careers die very quickly.
“You say the first thing that comes into your head.”

It’ll probably be nonsense, but it knocks your opponent out of his stride and takes away his headline.
You then have a few seconds (possibly minutes) to reword it, say that you mis-spoke, were mis-heard, or

You may get a bad headline saying that you spoke something silly, but you can live that down.
Meanwhile your opponent is knocked off the news-feed.

It runs counter to everything that traditional politicians are taught – viz. never say anything that is not
100% accurate. The problem is that 100% right, two weeks late equals defeat.
“Sometimes, it is better to give the WRONG answer at the RIGHT time,
than the RIGHT answer at the WRONG time.”

So there we have it at last. In print. The Conservatives are advocating misinforming to get the upper hand in political debate. Almost certainly from the Steve Bannon and Dominic Cummings locker on how to win unfairly. Hence Trump’s electoral success and the Tory Brexit.

As George Monbiot has identified both Trump and Johnson are creating their own form of fascism and the far right are lapping it up.

It is not ‘Wokeism’ that is the issue for the many is is ‘Wakey Wakey Wakeism’. And they need to do it very quickly.

Jason Cridland



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