The Chair of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council’s Management Committee today said that he hopes Councillors will be able to set-aside their political differences in future for the better of the Borough.

The statement follows last week’s Special Meeting of the Borough Council, when the Conservative, Liberal and Independent groups voted in unison to block a proposal by Councillor Ray Nowak that the Borough Council seek to implement the Government’s empty homes premium.

The empty homes premium allows local authorities in England to set a council tax rate for long-term empty properties of up to 150% of the normal liability. The Policy forms part of the Local Government Finance Act 2012, one of the Coalition Government’s marquee pieces of legislation. 

Councillor Nowak said: 

“There is a real shortage of housing in the Borough. We must use every tool available to us to ensure this changes, which includes taking steps to discourage those who buy-up properties and leave them to rot. The empty homes premium is Coalition Government policy and I can see no reason for the other parties to have rejected the motion other than the fact it was proposed by a Labour councillor.”

Councillor Mike Byatt, who was elected unopposed as Chair of the Management Committee, said: 

“We have serious work to do over the coming years and some tough decisions to make. I hope that we will see a mature approach from all councillors, who should at least take the time to debate constructive proposals seriously. Residents deserve that as a minimum.”

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