These two tweets (inset and below) are, of course, entirely related. If we consider that the mainstream media have barely reported any of the law-breaking, Labour rules-breaking, bullying, compulsive lying, ignoring of our own legal team, mass hypocrisy, authoritarian fascistic internal behaviour, racism, astonishingly bad political instincts and decision making etc of Starmer, Evans and the leadership team… imagine how bad these stats would be if they held this current sh*t-show to account even 10% of what they did Corbyn?! The difference being, of course, they were acting like Starmer with Corbyn!

Which makes these stats doubly as bad!! Then when you throw in the commentariat, Labour MPs, ‘cultural influencers’ in addition to the media support for Starmer et al, these stats would, without question, have brought about another coup attempt and wall-to-wall, hour-by-hour media coverage were Corbyn now leading Labour against literally the worst PM and government the UK has ever had.
That Starmer, despite the huge number of lost members, lost Union money & support, anger from oppressed Jewish members, Muslim members, Black and Minority Ethnic members, Disabled members, Kashmiri members, forcing Labour to abstain on bills protecting torturers & rapists (Human Rights lawyer my ar*e!!!), selling out Julian Assange and thus press freedom, going against Unions & essential workers-with fatal consequencesre-re school closures etc etc…that he still is not considering resigning and is no doubt sleeping like a baby…and that the media allow this…that Stockholm Starmerites & that bizarre Cult support this…tells us just how completely f***ed up this world is, if THAT is seen as ‘progressive’ or in any way ‘left wing’ and ‘pro People’.
Starmer has only been Labour leader for 10-odd months….What. The. Actual. F**k?!?! SOS! SOS! SOS!
Adam Samuels