Dear Marcus Fysh MP

Dear Marcus,
A friend has sent me a copy of your article in this week’s Western Gazette.
With respect, I should like to raise with you your words, “the shouty, self-obsessed voices of the on-going Remain campaign, so-called liberal elite, so certain of their own beliefs they seem oblivious to others.”
During the Christmas break your leader urged the nation to engage in an act of reconciliation, while the monarch urged a renewal of trust. I hope you will not mind my suggesting that the terms “so-called liberal elite” and ‘oblivious to others” do nothing to achieve reconciliation or, indeed, trust, both of which need to be earned.
I have to say that, as someone who voted to remain and who believes that our present position is narrowly nationalist, I do not see myself as any kind of elitist, either financially or socially. I did not attend Harrow, Eton or any other private school, nor do I have a villa in the Caribbean or Florida, as do many of our elites. It is therefore hurtful to see myself lumped together with a host of financiers, investors and bankers who are clearly elitists and have little in common with the rest of us.
I sincerely hope that you will listen to those of us whose opinions are not your own, since you do represent all of us, and we look to you to follow your leader’s example in seeking unity.
With best wishes,
Roger Iredale
*Incidentally Mr Fysh, Conservative MP for Yeovil, was privately educated at Winchester College in Hampshire and went on to study Literature at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Prior to his election he ran companies in the agriculture and healthcare sectors, after working for Mercury Asset Management specialising in investment in businesses in the Asia Pacific region.
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