Good afternoon, Maria.

Are you proud to be a member of a political party in government that will so callously commit a hate crime against a gay person and his geo politically vulnerable family?

May we expect this Stephen Parkinson, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister, to be arrested, charged and prosecuted properly for his deliberate commission of this vicious and despicable act, that has placed Shahmir Sanni’s family in danger and robbed him of his choice as to whether or not to disclose his sexual orientation at a time of his own choosing?

May we also expect to see those who confirmed his statement officially on behalf of our head of government similarly chastised?

How much lower are that mentally sick monster and her sycophantic minions in No10 prepared to stoop in order to advance their political agenda, Maria?

Nye Bevan was correct. Tories *are* lower than vermin. If there are any within your party who have any remaining traces of decency and honour, now would be a good time to stand up and demand a change at the very top of this government, and prove publicly that you have at least some right to be referred to as human beings.


Darren Lynch

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