The deputy leader of a county council has resigned after making a statement during a meeting, saying “all Tories should be shot.”

The Welsh Conservatives have criticised the comment, calling it “completely inexcusable.” Independent councillor Ieuan Williams has apologised for his “crass” remarks and has voluntarily submitted himself to the standards committee for review.

Sam Rowlands, the Conservatives’ shadow minister for local government in Wales, condemned Councillor Williams’ comment, describing it as dreadful and entirely unjustifiable. He highlighted the significant levels of abuse that politicians in Britain face, noting that two MPs lost their lives in recent years. Rowlands stated that while the left often emphasises the need for a kinder and gentler politics, comments like this undermine those claims.

Conservative MP Sir David Amess was fatally stabbed multiple times during his constituency surgery in 2021, and Labour MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed following a constituency surgery in 2016.

Dylan J Williams, the chief executive of Anglesey County Council, deemed the comment inappropriate and unacceptable. While he clarified that he is not accountable for individual statements made by elected members, he confirmed that Councillor Williams had referred himself to the council’s standards committee. Additionally, Councillor Williams has stepped down as deputy leader and relinquished his positions as education and Welsh language portfolio holder. He acknowledged the unacceptability of his remarks and issued an apology.

Councillor Williams expressed deep regret for any offense caused by his inappropriate comment in a formal statement. He clarified that the remark was made in the midst of an emotionally charged statement after a presentation on poverty in Anglesey. He emphasized that he does not advocate for violence and has apologised to all members present at the meeting. Councillor Williams has voluntarily referred himself to the Standards Committee and has stepped down from his leadership role and executive membership until any potential investigation concludes.

As an independent councillor for Lligwy, he highlighted that his motivation as a councillor is to assist the most vulnerable in society. While he apologised and retracted his crass remark, he hopes that the people of Anglesey will recognise the broader issue, which is his determination to advocate for the marginalized against a party that appears to disregard their needs.

Douglas James

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