Doctors are being forced into ‘Primary Care Networks’ by May 15th 2019.
PCNs are the latest deceptive acronym devised to disguise that they are based on the American model of Health Maintenance Organisations designed to maximise corporate profit by DENYING CARE to patients using DOWN-SKILLED staff doing doctors work,
This is being rushed through with no media coverage while the country is distracted by BREXIT
Please share and let’s start alerting people to the danger of this latest betrayal of our NHS.
Your local GP surgeries are under great threat. Doctors are being forced into 'Primary Care Networks' by May 15th 2019. PCNs are the latest deceptive acronym devised to disguise that they are based on the American model of Health Maintenance Organisations designed to maximise corporate profit by DENYING CARE to patients using DOWN-SKILLED staff doing doctors work, This is being rushed through with no media coverage while the country is distracted by BREXITPlease share and let's start alerting people to the danger of this latest betrayal of our NHS.
Posted by The Great NHS Heist on Saturday, 9 March 2019