People will have read in the local newspapers about the furore that is being casued by proposals to introduce roadside parking meters in Bridport town centre following their introduction in Swanage, Wareham and Dorchester.

I have been having meetings this week  with the Leader of the Town Council, and the Chair of the Market Traders Association and of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce which has resulted in myself and the Market Traders  designing a petition which will be distributed throughout the town. It says:

We the undersigned strongly oppose the introduction of roadside parking
meters in Bridport because of the destructive impact on our local ecomony, for
the following reasons:
* It will damage the vitality of our town centre by discouraging essential passing trade to our markets
and shops
* If Bridport Town Council have to compensate DCC for loss of income from parking meters on
market days, it will increase market fees and therefore reduce the number of traders at this vibrant,
centuries old street market
* The loss of income to the Town Council from the market will reduce the money available to local
groups through the Town Council’s Community Grant Scheme, damaging our voluntary sector.

Where next ?

Following discussions last week with the Head of  Traffic Management at DCC, I believe that there would be legal implications for the County Council should they attempt to charge the Town Council for loss of  income on market days – because our Market Charter goes back to 1253 and predates any possible rights over the thoroughfare by the County Council.

Nonetheless , should these changes go through, they can only damage the market and trade in the town – so please download the petition, sign it and get others to sign it. If we have 1000 signatures it will be presented to the next relevant meeting of the County Council so they can see how strongly Bridport people feel about it.

Please click on the link to down load a copy of the petition parking meters petition

Ros Kayes

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