The far right are being funded wherever their Nazi ideology has been identified as required to take a hold. Across the USA, Europe and beyond the rise of the far right is not an accident of history. It is an intentional act by some very sinister people.

It is not a surprise. The far right play on emotions not intellect and therefore render certain demographics as more susceptible than others. Facts are irrelevant once the lies have taken hold.

They are doing it on all platforms they have yet to be chucked off of.

That it is being used by the so called ‘most powerful man on the planet’ – which is entirely false – he is the most powerful puppet on the planet – is a flashback to the early 20th century and the criminally crude tactics being used by Nazis and Klan members alike.

Trump and his supporters are a combination of the two. Nazis and Klan members who like their 20th century ancestors are extremely ignorant and debased.

Great work by Channel 4 News for yet another expose of the nasties clan.

More info:

And now the Trump administration is attempting to target white voters to fear Joe Biden:

Where will it all end?

Douglas James

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