Dorset Council Thanks Everyone Who Came Together To Support Those Residing On Bibby Stockholm



This is a joint update from the subgroups that feed into the Multi Agency Forum (MAF), which supports operational planning of the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland. The MAF consists of representatives from the Home Office, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, Dorset Police, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Dorset, and the barge operators Landry & Kling and CTM. Please share the following information with your networks.

Following the announcement on 23 July by the Minister for Border Security and Asylum to not renew the contract for use of the Bibby Stockholm barge beyond January 2025, we can now confirm that all residents have moved off the barge. None of the residents have been moved from the Bibby Stockholm to addresses in the Dorset Council area. Asylum interviews and dispersals (move offs) took place at a steady pace over the autumn to allow a smooth decant from the barge to dispersal accommodation.

Site update

The vessel will now go through an intensive decommission process to return it to its original condition and will be handed back to Bibby Marine in January, who will then determine the future use and location of the vessel. It is understood that the vessel will not remain in Portland Port after the contract ends in January 2025.

More information about the closure of the vessel is here Portland Port: factsheet on GOV.UK.

Voluntary and Community

Several items provided for original use on the barge have been donated back to community groups and voluntary organisations, including children’s homes. These include Christmas trees, board games and books, bicycles and office items such as notice boards.

Community Safety and Multi Agency Forum

The Community Impact Group (CIG), which comprises of representatives from the Police, NHS, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, local business community and other community representatives, has now halted operation. The Multi Agency Forum (MAF) will meet for the final time on 11 December.

All the MAF subgroups, which included Community Safety, Voluntary and Community Partnerships, Health, and Communications and Engagement have also had their last meetings.

And finally…

Thank you to everyone involved in this work over the past 18 months. Many areas of the community came together to support the safe running and operation of the Bibby Stockholm. The support from community groups to provide activities, resources and items for the residents of the barge was overwhelming. As well as the staff on board the barge who ensured that the residents time on board was comfortable and welcoming.

Please share this update and information with other people in your networks.

The Dark Side Were Wrong As Usual

From the beginning, the racists spread lies and innuendo.

And as this clip reveals, for all the spite, lies and anger, there were beautiful people who just got on with life by helping others and joining in.

A short video revealing the hate of the anti-asylum seeker racists being overwhelmed by the decency of those same asylum seekers and many within the Weymouth & Portland community.

Produced by David Owens.

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