Statement from The Nook
What a Difference a Day Makes
‘It is difficult to put into words what has happened and how we are feeling. It’s incredible and devastating to think how quickly the course of a day can change and the consequences of that.
We feel we need to update everyone as to the current situation. We firstly want to thank the emergency services who arrived so quickly to the scene and to all of the people, friends, staff and other businesses that helped us yesterday during the incident and with the mass clear up after. We don’t know how to thank you.

We have been in contact with the Police this morning and can’t say too much in regards to the exact details of what happened because there is an ongoing police investigation, but we can confirm a member of our team, a pedestrian and the driver of the vehicle received treatment from the emergency services at the scene and in hospital after the incident. We have not stopped thinking about them and we send them our very best wishes. There were no fatalities.
Contrary to the Dorset Echo front page headline today, we had only just opened the bar, the car did not ‘plough into a group of people sitting and having a drink’ as written on the Echo front page today, we thankfully had NO CUSTOMERS sat in our outside area at the time of the incident.
We are back open, it feels right to be open. We are fighters and as gutted as we are – we will always get back up when knocked down. And you can only do that with the support of the community around you; the people that came in for a cocktail last night – you are amazing. Thank you! Thank you for all the messages of support; it means the world to us and keeps us strong.
It’s taken a long time to get our outside area to where it was but at the end of the day its just a pile of metal (literally now…if we don’t laugh we will continue to cry!) What you can’t replace is life and we are relieved , really really relieved that this happened at a time when the bar was as good as closed- what could have been does not bare thinking about.

To conclude, hold your loved ones close, it can all change in a second, don’t sweat the small stuff, come and drink some cocktails in the sun this weekend.’
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