Traffic officers from across Dorset, Devon and Cornwall came together as part of Operation Allied Wolf yesterday for a major crackdown on dangerous road users in Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester.  
Officers targeted people suspected of being involved in the supply of drugs and various traffic offences as part of a joint operation with Devon & Cornwall Police.

Operation Allied Wolf, utilised ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) technology to deter, disrupt and detect organised criminality, reduce crime and road casualties. Drivers were then pulled over at one of four check points in the area. 

The team of 25 officers and special constables from across the two forces. Five people were arrested on suspicion of drug driving after testing positive at the roadside, eight uninsured vehicles seized, nine drivers caught using their mobile phone at the wheel, five vehicles found to have no MOT and four vehicles with no tax.  A quantity of drugs were also seized and one vehicle was found to be overweight with another showing a bald tyre. 
The Allied Wolf Operation continues today with traffic officers supporting Community Speed Watch teams across 21 locations throughout Dorset. 
Inspector Matt Butler, from the Dorset traffic unit headed up Operation Allied Wolf. He said: “Dorset Police is committed to reducing criminality on our roads and is working hard to prevent relatives receiving the devastating news that a loved one has been involved in a road traffic collision. 
“Both driving while under the influence of drugs and distractions at the wheel such as using a mobile phone can and does kill people on Dorset roads and it is important we make these offences as anti-social as drink driving has become. Equally, poorly maintained vehicles can increase your chances of an accident.
“The cost of crashes by uninsured drivers pushes up every motorist’s premium by around £44 per year and therefore is something that affects each and every driver on our roads.”
Chief Inspector Adrian Leisk, Head of the Alliance Road Policing Department, said: “Collaborative working is key to ensuring that organised crime cannot and will not settle in our counties. By pooling resources, such crime can be targeted more robustly and effectively.”
Joint operations will continue to ensure Dorset, Devon & Cornwall remain safe places to live and work.

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