A local food bank has recently recorded its highest number of users ever for the year ending April 23.
Others claim a similar story. The Government disputes this and has published its own statistics.
In a statement the Bournemouth food bank asserted that in the past financial year there were 12,577 individuals who needed their help. That’s a 13.4% increase on the previous year and includes 3,083 children. More importantly there has been, what they call, a staggering 73.6% increase since 2018.
Martin Hancock, a spokesperson for Bournemouth food bank, said that the Government needs to do more. He said: “Ultimately the Government or who ever is in power, has to decide it’s priorities and how to manage the economy.”
He went on to say that social security payments are not adequate, and they need to pay more.
Others agreed, Debbie Coombes, project director at Bournemouth food bank is calling on the Government to increase Universal credit payments in something they call ‘Guarantee our Essentials.’ To help ensure everyone can afford what they need”.
Other foodbanks agreed but did not want to be named for fear of being too political. A spokesperson said: When the Government had given people the extra £20 during covid. They should have kept it.”
She went on to say that she takes everything the Government say with a pinch pf salt. She added that since 2010 there are more people in poverty, certainly more children than there were.
She said, “We are, I believe, becoming a far more impoverished society than we ever were.”
And: “Tax those people who are earning lots of money a lot more.”
A similar story has merged nationally. The Trussell Trust, Britain’s leading food charity, expressed anger towards the Government. Emma Revie, their chief executive said: “It’s extremely concerning that an increasing number of people are being left with no other option but to turn to charitable, volunteer run organisations, and that is not right.”
She went on to say that Social Security payments do not reflect life’s essential costs.
Criticism comes in light of a Government spokesperson’s claim that they are committed to alleviating poverty.
Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East said: “I know that the Government is committed to understanding and addressing poverty.”
He backed his claim with statistics from the latest ‘Family Resources Survey’. It states that: ‘Of all households 3% used food banks in the last 12 months and 1% in 30 days.’
He also said: I am confident that the Government is providing substantial support through the welfare system.”
Gerald Gilbert
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