In 2015, Sean Dromgoole served as Labour’s campaign director and later achieved a remarkable feat by doubling the party’s vote when he ran in 2017.

However, when the opportunity arose for the upcoming by-election following the resignation of Conservative MP David Warburton, Mr. Dromgoole was disappointed to find himself overlooked.

Expressing his discontent, Mr. Dromgoole announced his resignation from the Labour Party, stating, “It is with deep sadness that I announce my departure from the Labour Party today after 12 years of membership.”

He continued, “I am bewildered as to why I was not even shortlisted for the Somerton and Frome seat, where I have dedicated significant effort for an extended period. I served as the campaign director here in 2015 and had the privilege of standing in the last two General Elections.”

“In 2017, I received 10,998 votes, a substantial increase of 6,579, and despite the challenging 2019 campaign, I experienced a minor decline of only 4 percent. Furthermore, I have fulfilled the role of chair of the CLP (Constituency Labour Party) and have taken on numerous responsibilities within the regional party.”

“Despite my long-standing commitment to voluntary work and successful campaigning, the party has completely disregarded me and failed to communicate with me regarding their decision to exclude me. I am left perplexed, unaware of the process or rationale behind their choice.”

“If the decision was made to select a female candidate, for example, that would have been understandable. However, I may never discover the basis of the decision, the knowledge upon which it was made, or the potential errors involved.”

“All I know is that it was a regrettable decision for which no explanation has been offered. The Labour Party, which I once held dear, now appears to be paralyzed by a one-sided relationship with its leadership. It has disconnected entirely from local CLPs and disregarded the sentiments of those who put in the hard work.”

“Unresponsive party officials scurry about, attempting to decipher the desires of the leadership. In doing so, they encourage defection among friends, breed animosity among loyalists, and belittle the efforts of local activists as mere frivolities.”

“A party so preoccupied with self-preservation and fearful of taking any action or stance cannot be deemed capable of governing. Its internal processes are a lamentable amalgamation of evading accountability and authoritative commands.”

“I hold hope for change, as our current administration desperately requires it. Perhaps my resignation will prompt some introspection and improvement. However, the treatment I have received has been woefully inadequate, reaching a point where any reasonable person must say, ‘Enough is enough.’ Sadly, I have arrived at that juncture.”

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