Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council has been given a clean bill of health after the Government lifted a notice that had previously raised concerns about the authority.

The Best Value Notice was issued in August 2023, highlighting concerns about governance, culture and finance at the council.

The notice was issued following the council’s request for a capitalisation direction to help it manage an in-year budget gap in late 2022. In the end, this was not needed, as the council sold assets to bridge the £20m gap in its budget.

Despite this, the government had commissioned a governance review, which built on an assurance review already carried out by the council’s Chief Executive, Graham Farrant.

Significant progress has since been made in meeting the concerns outlined in that Best Value Notice.

All 42 actions listed in the Best Value Notice Action Plan, which came from both assurance reviews, have been completed and the Government has now lifted the notice.

A letter from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government ((MHCLG) said: “We thank you for the constructive engagement your council has had with the department since the Notice was issued.

“BCP has worked positively with the department and has set out and implemented a range of improvement measures to address the identified concerns.”

The MHCLG noted the council’s work since the notice was given to update its transformation plan, work to improve its budget position, provide direction by delivering a corporate strategy, strengthen its leadership team and undertake governance reviews of subsidiary companies.

Prior to the Best Value Notice being served, Graham Farrant also carried out an internal assurance review into the authority.

Mr Farrant said: “We are delighted that the Government has recognised the hard work, effort and focus it has taken from everyone at the council to get this position and it is testament to that joint effort that the Best Value Notice has now been lifted.

“Throughout this process we have aimed to be open and honest regarding the challenges we face and our progress in meeting those challenges.

“We’ve continued to provide updates and progress reports through the council’s governance framework.

“As a result of our joint efforts we now have a more resilient council with a sustainable financial future, we have strengthened governance and developed a culture built upon respect and pride.

“But we recognise that there is no room for complacency and our positive work to improve the services provided by council for our residents, and the way that the council works, must continue.”

Cllr Millie Earl, Leader of BCP Council said: “The lifting of the Best Notice Value shows that the Government recognises a council that is now in a much healthier place, and I would like to thank everyone at the council whose hard work and dedication has made this possible.

“The Best Value Notice was issued shortly after the May 2023 elections which saw the new Three Towns Alliance administration take over leadership of the council.

“We made meeting the concerns outlined in the notice an absolute priority.

“Our focus has been getting the basics right and getting our foundations in order. An open and honest council, with good governance in place, is the very least our residents should expect, and I am pleased that the work done to achieve this has been acknowledged.”

Items 30 – 32 in the Best Value Notice Action Plan concerned the governance, funding and work of Future Places, the council’s urban regeneration company.

Future Places has now been wound up, with regeneration functions being brought back into the council. On Future Places, Cllr Earl added:

“At a time when all local authorities were experiencing the effect of a challenging financial environment, we felt there was no justification for the council to continue with Future Places.

“We acted quickly as a new administration and reduced spend by bringing expertise in-house and refocusing on the delivery of key projects.

“Cabinet and council officers continue to move forward into this new way of doing great things and realising our regeneration ambitions for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

“It is right that this work has been recognised as part of the improvements made around the Best Value Notice.

“An update on the progress of the council’s regeneration programme is due to be discussed by Cabinet this Autumn.”

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