To be fair most people will get it straight away. The issue though is how representative are they of the UK population? What does it say about how in touch with everyday reality their parents… are?
One day we will elect normal people to reflect our life experience not ones light years away. Not toffs and anachronisms stuck in a different time zone.
Privileged and peripheral to the mean, median and mode of any demographic cannot be a good thing and is certainly not a healthy building block for any democracy.
For those who did not arrive at the correct answer. These are the children of Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Leader of the House Jacob Rees Mogg and his wife, Helena de Chair, have six children, called (wait for it…):
Peter Theodore Alphege, Mary Anne Charlotte Emma, Thomas Wentworth Somerset Dunstan, Anselm Charles Fitzwilliam, Alfred Wulfric Leyson Pius and Sixtus Dominic Boniface Christopher.
Speaking to his friend Nigel Farage on LBC previously, Mogg said he’s never changed a nappy as “the nanny does it brilliantly”. He added: “I’ve made no pretence to be a modern man at all, ever.” And here they are- just an ordinary family, desperate to get back to school!
And exactly how representative is he of the wider population?
How many of you are so patriotic that you are hiding your money in the… Cayman Islands? Just asking.
Douglas James
Must be their After School Home Uniforms, I am sure there must be Safeguarding with such blatantly obvious Militant Parenting, I can imagine those poor kids standing at attention, at the end of their beds, in the morning, him going around inspecting tidiness and Evening Inspecting for contraband, as he inspects they have to rehearse a random passage from the bible!
Jeezus! Makes me feel sick!
Harry Potter cones to mind oh what how awfully middle class we are papa
Nostalgia for.a gentler time
Careful, comrades! Rees-Mogg is posh. His kids have unusual names. But most of the odd names reflect the fact that he is a Roman Catholic. Giving kids saints’ names is perfectly commonplace among working-class practising RCs, Orthodox and Anglicans at the “high” end of the spectrum.
Printing his kids names and picture and inviting derision is a bit low don’t you think? Criticize the man and his policies by all means, but why drag his kids into it?