Apparently, this creepy, inept twat is the man of the moment! Why? Because he has “written off” £13bn of the NHS debt!!! Just let that sink in for a moment. So… Matt Hancock has most generously written off the £13bn debt that the NHS had racked up. How exactly had they done that? Had they all been going to parties on Mustique or sending their relatives on cruises???

This is the National Health Service – the clue is in the fucking name! They do what is required to keep us healthy and we pay for that through our taxes. If that costs more than we expected, it doesn’t mean they’ve OVERSPENT. It means that we have UNDERESTIMATED.

We’ve been hearing this shit from the Tories for so long that we don’t even notice it anymore! We heard the same about the Royal Mail – it was a nationalised service which we paid for, for fuck’s sake!! And then the Tories and their cockroach pals in the media convinced us that we should see it not as a national service but as a business that either makes a profit or goes under. And then – and this is how fucking stupid we really are – they convinced us to buy shares in it!! The Royal Mail! The national service we’d already fucking paid for.

How long before the Police are measured by the same yardstick. How much for a murder solved? Or a shoplifting? (You can forget about a tax fraud solved – that’s definitely never going to happen). Honest to Christ!! I’ve just seen the results of a survey that shows a majority of the UK population (I suspect they never surveyed up here in whingy ol’ Jockland) think Boris is doing a good job! Are you all fucking mental? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Let me just spell it out. The current Tory Government doesn’t have a SINGLE supporter of the NHS in their ranks. The front bench are all on record as either arguing for – or supporting organisations that argue for – the privatisation of health care.

They think that the NHS is an embarrassing socialist anomaly that simply can’t be allowed to even appear to succeed. They fought it tooth and nail when it was set up by Clem Atlee’s government. They have decimated it every time they have come into power since – none more so than their evisceration of it in the last 10 years. And they have the brass-fucking-neck to come out on the steps of their fucking mansions to clap for the NHS. FOR FUCK’S SAKE!

That is all.

Rowdy Yates

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