The German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once stated that “to find the great thing in this world is, not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving” and the great writer and pamphleteer Thomas Paine once proclaimed that “a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right”. This is the case for those thinking of voting for UKIP. Not because they are not right to be sceptical of a large, monolithic, undemocratic entity that is the European Union because they are. It has many flaws that undermine how it is useful to its membership populations especially its faith in corporate neo liberalism as the answer to economic questions. However, it does have many aspects that serve its populations well including attempts to protect citizens from some of the injustices served up by governments and business. Of course it is always and will forever be a value judgement. Moral relativism enables numerous positions to be taken many of which will come into conflict with family, friends, neighbours and beyond. But the crucial question is: should our understanding of issues and policy be enhanced with accurate well researched information that enlightens us or with information that is innacurate; that only seeks to cloud the argument and is based purposefully on irrational fear. Once this question has been answered the direction UKIP wants us to move (herded is perhaps more accurate) will become much clearer.

Leaving or reforming the EU should be entirely in our interests not those of the rich and powerful who quite obviously have a different agenda. Trusting a former independent school boy who went on to become a commodities trader is not the basis for working class communities up and down the country to find a way out of their strife. A fools errand. Unemployment, low pay, insecure work, dismantling of public health, debt (both state and personal), homelessness, ghettoisation, bigotry, demonisation, propaganda, greed… are the real enemy. Blaming it on humans whose lineage in the UK cannot be traced back to pre Roman times is like blaming the ice caps for melting. Ridiculous.

And ‘ridiculous’ sums up UKIP and the perception that the plutocracy of the UK decision making machine can be remedied by voting for a party advocating that we trust a Margaret Thatcher loving independent schoolboy to be our ‘Mr Bloke’. A man whose persona is based upon contradictions, consternation, cigarettes and Carlsberg and who is spending (or has spent) the taxes of the European public funding the education of his four children and the career of his wife. Perhaps one of the issues for those contemplating voting for him and his party is the lack of understanding of irony. Although once comprehended one does tend to find the arteries of society clogged up with the stuff.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph in May 2014 Mrs Farage disclosed that the Ukip leader was privately hurt by suggestions during the campaign that he is racist. Whether he is or not is secondary to his being able to understand the impact of his and his party’s narrative on those he is (they are) seeking to attract. It fits their purpose to play on ignorance, prejudice and fear through their hype and lies (not unlike the Tory Party many have spawned from). Add to this the homophobic and sexist rants and asides, we are left with not so much a political party but a reflection of some of our worst human traits. This includes the ability to hide what is actually on our minds merely to acquire power. It has happened before to the detriment of our species and should be avoided at all cost again.

When interviewed many are happy to call their vote for UKIP a ‘protest vote’ against the greed and self interest of Westminster. Unfortunately the history of psephology enables us to ascertain that by voting for a party that seeks to join the Westminster club; ‘protesting’ is the last thing that happens. It is perceived by many in the Westmister elite (or Westmonster as it is increasingly being named) as another bluff that has paid off. A protest vote should be about changing direction and making it clear that certain behaviour will not be tolerated. Instead we have a ‘protest’ that occurs whilst the X is placed in the ballot box and then forgotten in the cesspit of cynicism that accompanies future inaction. Protest means standing up and making your voice heard. It also means that knowing exactly what you are protesting against can be defended by knowing the facts and the intricacies of the debate. Without this the protest will eternally fall on deaf ears and rightfully so.

My own belief is that UKIP are a front for the euro sceptics in the Conservative Party and there was never any real intention to be in competition. Come any vote in Parliament they will vote with the Conservative mother hen and carry on the sell off and the centralistion of real power of successive governemnts. Both Goethe and Paine tried to warn us but many will help UKIP and more broadly Westminter to destroy our integrity by allowing us to be herded and marched in the wrong direction defending an argument that dangerously divides us. I strongly suspect that those who despise this direction and sophistry have almost reached the point of non acceptance. This will then be the literal battle for the future of the country and beyond. 

Douglas James

Some of the many examples of UKIP representatives exposing their true identities:

UKIP’s Victoria Ayling says all immigrants in Britain should be sent back home

Geoffrey Bloom on Channel 4 News

Daily Telegraph analysis

Geoffrey Bloom confuses Channel 4 presenters

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