Following months of intense campaigning, our Art Against The Arms Trade campaign has just secured a phenomenal victory.

UK music festival organisers Live Nation have officially suspended their sponsorship deal with Barclays Bank, which plays a significant role in funding weapons manufacturers in the UK and around the world.

Since launching at the start of April, our campaign has united numerous organisations, artists and music fans in our demand to end the disgraceful culture-washing of the financiers of war at our UK festivals. Our lobbying tool saw thousands of people write to the organisers of Download, Isle Of Wight and Latitude festivals, all of whom have now cut ties with Barclays.

Whilst this is an excellent and important win for our movement, we must keep up the pressure and will fight to ensure the likes of Barclays and others who play a role in the global arms trade are no longer able to use our music festivals or cultural institutions to launder the reputations as the profiteers of war

In the meantime, please do continue to support our work, including the massive people-powered campaign to re-elect our founder, Jeremy Corbyn, as the independent MP for Islington North and voice for peace and justice in the UK Parliament. For all the latest campaign updates and canvassing times, please visit!
In solidarity,

Peace & Justice Project

P.S. The Peace & Justice Project is not funded or backed by billionaires; we rely on regular donations from supporters just like you. If you can, please consider setting up a regular donation to help us build campaigns for a world of peace and justice for the many.

KEEP US ALIVE and join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: AND SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH

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