Those whose knowledge of politics is fairly limited will often say ‘they are all as bad as each other’. Ask them for proof and it all goes silent.

In the case of Greensill, where David Cameron was seeking to access over fifty million pounds of taxpayers money,

frankly there is no evidence. Even some Tories admit this is without precedent.

Next time come equipped with evidence or please just pipe down.


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  1. 2 Kinds of Politicians:
    1. Thatcherite Neoliberals, works for the greater good of: 1. The Self and 2. ‘The Machine’
    2. Democratic Socialists, works for the greater good of The People, ALL The People Equally.

    2 Kinds of Voters:
    1. Thatcherite Neoliberals, works for the greater good of: 1. The Self and 2. ‘The Machine’
    2 Democratic Socialists, works for the greater good of The People, ALL The People Equally.

    That is all you need to know, The Word/Brand/Label Labour does not make the Politician ask yourself are they with you and for you or are they with and for ‘The Machine’ and are they working for ‘The Machine’ or are they working for YOU The People!?

  2. Love this article. I get confronted with the statement that ‘all politicians are the same’ all the time… but really it’s just an excuse for people to root for politicians they know are corrupt or immoral. After all, why should we vote for e.g. a liar like Johnson? All politicians are liars. They’re all the same….
    But they’re not.
    Of course they’re not.
    Some are a damned sight worse than others – and some even manage something wonderful called integrity.