‘If only’ is in itself a powerful application of language. It suggests that if the past was different or if change had occurred in preference to that which we empirically experience. For example ‘if only the Tories cared’ or ‘If only pompous self aggrandising people were prohibited from humanity’.

Now we come to a very specific example of a human who should never have left the ovum or ‘If only Dominic Raab had not been conceived’.

When he is the company of other fatuous right wing racists he feels at home. He can talk openly and sound reasonable to those whose moral compass disintegrated in the birth canal but to the rest of us we are showered with ‘if only’s’.

One of the most significant symbolic moments for a long while is reduced by a government minister to a popular fantasy series of books and television programmes. Absolutely clueless rhetoric and a clueless understanding of history.

If only! If only he had done his homework. If only he wanted to understand. If only he believed in the synthesis of ideas and their historical symbolism. If only….

For those who do not wish to remain clueless and ignorant there are examples of taking the knee dating back to the 1800’s with actual written evidence discovered from 1960.

It is sign of respect emanating from the USA and more specifically from the cultures of sport and the military.

For a much more detailed understanding please find:
A brief history of “taking a knee”. There are also some very interesting examples and observations in the comments section.

Dominic Raab and his type will almost certainly not be interested in uncovering reality but we owe it to ourselves to be ahead of them. If only they felt the same.

Jason Cridland

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