‘I will not be a bystander’: Two years on from Parliament’s declaration of climate emergency local woman and man take action in King Street, Weymouth and Trinity Street, Dorchester with 100s of others around the UK 

On Kings Street, Weymouth and Trinity Street, Dorchester at 11am today, two local people stopped traffic by peacefully sitting in the road wearing signs that read ‘I’m terrified my nieces will face violence and starvation because of the climate crisis’ and ‘I’m terrified for biodiversity and humanity because of the climate crisis’.

As they sat in the way of oncoming traffic, Emma and Ben risked their lives in order to speak out about Government inaction on climate two years on from Parliament’s declaration of an environment and climate emergency. 

But the sitters were not alone. Around the country, hundred’s of people just like them, terrified about the trajectory we are on in this climate and ecological emergency, also took action in their home towns in the same way. As lockdown rules began to lift in the UK, people blocked roads from Aberdeen to Birmingham to Yarmouth and beyond, to say they will no longer stand by while the UK Government lies to the public about its tepid plans to tackle the climate crisis.[1] 

The action was part of an approach developed during the Covid-19 pandemic by members of Extinction Rebellion, in which people can engage in civil disobedience alone, yet united. 

Emma Smart, 43, Conservation Ecologist from Weymouth said “My actions today may cause local disruption but Weymouth will be among the first to feel the effects of sea level rise- with vast coastal areas devastated by flooding. I act today to prevent future disruption and protect our communities”

She continued “I’m terrified to sit on a busy road by myself, but I’m more terrified of a future where my 4 and 6 year-old nieces will face starvation due to crop failures and violence as wars break out over fresh water”. 

Ben, 35, Geologist, in Dorchester said “I’m terrified for biodiversity and humanity. We cannot gamble with 1.5C, allow the extinction of coral reefs, marginal communities to lose their lands and ways of life, and the breakdown of the biosphere, creating a world of scarcity and conflict. Out of love for life and life-giver I must resist.”

Emma was arrested in Weymouth shortly after sitting in the road for obstruction of the highway and taken to Weymouth Police Station. Ben was also arrested for the same offence.

As we emerge from the devastation of Covid-19, the UK Government is telling the public it has the climate and ecological crisis in hand. With the eyes of the world on the UK – the hosts of the COP26 climate summit – the Prime Minister claims the government is committed to ‘building back greener’ from the pandemic. However, in the past 6 months, £27bn has been invested in new roads and the Heathrow expansion ruling was overturned.[3][4] 

Inaction on climate breakdown is not just being seen at national government level, here in Dorset our local council recently blocked a motion from Cllrs seeking to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill [5].

Andy Smith from XR commented “This demonstrates yet again, that 2 years on from declaring a climate & ecological emergency Dorset Council still do not speak or act like there is a crisis, and have outright failed to communicate the problems, challenges and the solutions to residents, businesses and organisations in Dorset”

The people taking action today hope to make clear that they can no longer trust either the UK Government or Dorset Council and local MPs with their future. 

Emma Smart added “I studied and worked as a Conservation Ecologist for 15 years, trusting that decision makers would listen to the science. Our government knows the science and still no action. That’s why I have to act”.

And even though some parents… felt inconvenienced getting to school in Sherborne it is nothing to what they will experience in the future unless the government takes radical steps and shows some real courage no matter the potential public anger.

1] Rebellion of One: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/act-now/campaigns/rebellion-of-one/

[2] Climate crisis hits ‘worst case scenario’ levels – Environment Agency head


[3] £27bn road plan: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/11/27bn-roads-plan-doubt-shapps-overrode-official-advice

[4] Heathrow expansion overruled: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/16/top-uk-court-overturns-block-on-heathrows-third-runway

[5] Dorset Council accused of ‘gagging’ open debate over Local Plan and climate: https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/19233090.dorset-council-accused-gagging-open-debate-local-plan-climate/?fbclid=IwAR3WHMDgeveBxhWNUe9f7GU_tNT_MrEN1Enz7bv_EsUQpr2L8p-OAOB86Cc



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