Thanks to everyone who stood up against the Tories’ NHS patient data grab.
Ministers are now postponing the ridiculous June 23rd deadline (the date you needed to opt out by if you don’t want your information to be sold / transferred to third parties including businesses) to September 1st 2021.
If you don’t trust the government to guarantee the safety of your data, it is vital that you opt out as soon as possible.
You can do this in several ways but it is important that you let your GP or practice manager know your wishes. Some people may feel comfortable allowing their personal data to be used for research but however you feel, it is crucial we continue to campaign against the gradual privatisation of our NHS. Don’t let them take our health by stealth.
Here’s a link with more information on how to opt out (other options are available): https://medconfidential.org/how-to-opt-out/
Jeremy Corbyn
How the government have framed it:
Dawn Butler roasting Matthew Hancock on a spit:
Full Fact investigation conclusions:
From September 2021, NHS Digital will start collecting patient data from GP medical records in England about any living patient, including children, and any data about patients who died after the collection started.
We’ve been asked by readers about the way the NHS in England shares patient data, the various opt-outs available to the public and whether the data is really being sold.
There are two ways of “opting out”, if you don’t want your data to be shared. Type 1 opt-out prevents your data being shared outside your GP practice for anything other than individual care for patients.
The second type of opt-out, called a National Data Opt-Out, has no deadline. It essentially stops your data being shared with other organisations, except in the cases where it’s a legal requirement or there’s a public interest argument, for example in managing coronavirus.
The NHS Digital website says: “We are not going to sell your data”. But there is a price list on the organisation’s website listing charges for its Data Access Request Service.
On this page, NHS Digital says “We do not charge for data but we do apply charges to cover the cost of processing and delivering our service.”