Are you as sick as me of narcissistic men and women telling us to go to war with anyone who passes wind? Iran! Iraq! Libya! Russia! North Korea! Syria! They tap on their keyboards. They whine on Question Time whilst demanding a nuclear response. They call phone ins. They sit in Westmonster. They dribble in their exclusive members’ clubs. But there is one thing they don’t do. They don’t get their lard down to the army recruitment office and put their money where their mouth is.

They vote Tory or UKIP mostly but no party is exempt. They occasionally support the BNP clandestinely. They tell everyone else what to do and think. They patronise. They are condescending. But most of all many of them are angry and disempowered like the rest of us.

However, instead of realising that geo politics is a complex and Machiavellian entity in which we are all being manipulated to like and hate by a small cabal of elites, they want to press the red button every time the corporate establishment click their fingers. When they should be educating their children and/or their grandchildren to embrace a catholic (not Catholic)  perspective they seek to glorify in cul-de-sac and parochial viewpoints in which emotion governs over reasoning. Cuddle and love their children and hope they don’t turn out like them is my advice.

Look at the countries we have messed about with our bombs, bullets and depleted uranium. They are an absolute mess. A lot worse than when we entered. ‘Despots’ are replaced by puppets. We bleed them dry and then complain when their populations flee or get angry.

Syria we are told is in turmoil but once we have finished with it will it be any less so? A different kind of turmoil is the norm. The UK is governed by muppets who simply want their names to stand out in history books.

Why would anyone, with their cerebral cortex attached, listen to Boris Johnson or Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin or…? We have brains to use. Otherwise we would have slate for others to write on.

Look at this:

Trump Syria

In the words of the writer Harry Paterson

‘Demented, sickening & utterly devoid of all moral worth. This raving toddler will be the death of us all.’

And in that is the prominence. Our existence is threatened by people we disagree with. We are discordant to this annihilation tendency. We refuse to be reactionaries and die for others who simply preserve their domain at our expense. We refuse to screech for others to die. Unlike others.

Douglas James

For those who seek an awakening here are some rather splendid offerings:

The Neoliberal Way of War: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary British Security in Policy and Practice

May’s hypocrisy: Use of UK-sold chemical weapons in Syria gives her an opportunity for mass murder

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