Al Molo, the Italian restaurant located at the Pier Bandstand, Weymouth has just been recognised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce with an international award. In a glittering ceremony in London, Giuseppe Vannucci and Tim Newton where award the “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana” seal of quality. “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana” is an initiative set up and run by the Italian Chamber Of Commerce to certificate the best Italian restaurants in the world and Al Molo has now been recognised as one of those restaurants. To be award this seal of quality each restaurant has to go through a rigorous process of scrutiny to insure it meets the qualify objectives which are to:

1.      Develop and promote the traditions of the Italian agricultural and food products and valorise the Italian gastronomic culture

2.      Valorise the image of the Italian Restaurants abroad that guarantee the respect to standard quality of the Italian hospitality

3.      Create new opportunities and promotion for the Italian Restaurants in the world and for “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana”.

The “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana” is an internationally recognised award that only a few Italian restaurant in the UK have qualified for (Al Molo is the only one in the South West), which makes the award even more well one when you consider that Al Molo only opened in March of this year.

Giuseppe Vannucci says “I got very emotional when I found out that Al Molo was going to recognised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce with this prestigious award. Only the world’s top Italian restaurants are award the “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana” and we are now one of them in fact we are the only one in the South West to have one.”

Caterina Cotugno continues “The Ospitalità Italiana certificate aims to reward the authentic Italian organisations abroad characterised by their attention to quality and their respect for the traditional Italian cuisine. The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK is delighted to award Al Molo Fine Italian Dining with this prize”

Al Molo opened in March of this years in Weymouth’s beautiful art deco Pier Bandstand. Al Molo is a fine dining Italian restaurant created by Giuseppe Vannucci and his partner Tim Newton. Giuseppe is from the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna and this beautiful region is the inspiration for Al Molo’s authentic Italian menu.

The “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana” is an initiative which aims to certificate the best Italian restaurants all over the world. The project has been conceived by Unioncamere in collaboration with F.I.P.E. – Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi – and with the support of IS.NA.R.T. – Istituto Nazionale Ricerche Turistiche.

James Cawley

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